Friday, July 31, 2015

Slipping into dumb phase

 All houses in the village have  latched the doors  tightly

as a guest, where should I go  now ?

I remained here, as an uninvited guest

All streets have no lights

Intermittent flash of light sparks them

when fireflies  sway high

and soundless silence hitherto unknown, is barking fiercely .

I wish that Human life must flourish like a beautifully flowering tree

with string of notes  excelling afresh and anew .

The stream that flows aside is exhibiting many charming beauties

and the life’s scripture  continuously is teaching lessons daily.

and the  bridleless mind,  is jumping like a galloping horse

and unconditioned  performance

is pushing the whole world into unfathomable depths of darkness

and new moon day,  is swallowing the entire sky

and unpolluted heart is getting perplexed

and the universal lyre is slipping into dumb phase.


Telugu: Gottipati arasimhaswamy Trans/Eng: R. Purushothamarao

Swathi mutyalu (collection of poetry

An indelible signature

The stream of consciousness, that is flowing in the mankind
is not giving healthy yields, from the  crops of civilization.
all the thoughts are travelling through shores of small delights
and are bidding farewell to purity and emollience by divorcing them.
The minds of the cruel and idiotic lot are putting forward steps
with ego -centric stances in a huff , and are also  polluting the time.
All the values binding the life are being filled with contemptuous poison .

All the voices of the age that bloom during spring times
are being twined to  halter noose .
The elegantly beautiful character is lacking everywhere.
and life has become a heavy load.
The human who is heavier in weight than life has turned as sage
and eventually the world now, needs HIS guidance.

and youth that  will march on the destined path,  is very well needed now.

All the paths that are spread far and wide with breaths of renouncing lot
have to resound,  with fragrant songs of flowers .

All the desires of mind's tunes are to be painted
as beautiful forms on the time's screen .

The tender hopes of tiny tots should sing octaves on green leaves.

At the time of the last phase in humans’ life,,   tears of joy should rain from their eyes. and ages where no sunsets are destined should be accessed.

All the arms that pump in slightly warmth blood, must oblate offerings to blazing Sun.
The buds of life must be bloomed .
The beautiful and charming sculpture made by the humans’ brain
 must also established,  in extreme delight and in high tone too.
In every house, life’s lamp kindled with love must glow endless
and the chant of divine  first note should sound from the deep depths of the heart.
As far as we dig out, many inexplicable wonders, start amazing the eyes.

and the elegance of creation, will scribble  an indelible signature on the plaque of the mind

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