Friday, July 31, 2015

[56]With all ecstasy to the Sun God at dawn.

Desires are unlimited
like stars .
Deserting all other ones
as  disliking bonds.
I  selected only one desire
as priceless and valuable too.
and strongly grew it to the top
as a ray of light, to my life,
and also as an awakening call,  at the investigating shore.

My sound opened up, centuries old dreams, at the far end corners.

To write my  auto biography
I  strongly believe that,  at the quiet and  peaceful corners of the shores,
I  should become an ardent worshipper of charming beauty .
and this desire is flamming in me  almost  like a fire.
For  achieving this ,  I became a sweat drop.
and remained  like a tear drop
and turned up  and became
a  sea that carries cyclones.

The smoky and crooked clouds, that try to disturb the stability
and pollute the cleanliness of  my mind
and the poisonous fumes of mean thoughts
are      scaring me,  like the hood opened   cobras .
sop  and stall these destructive deeds and dances of annihilation
and to control them.
I  diverted  my  sweat streams from all the limbs, to directly flow into rivers
and offered my  gained  knowledge ,  till date.

I  am  setting out ,  to reach the silent zones
to mediate like a soul driven sage.
I took regugee in a tree
That pious and great tree is dropping down flowers
of wisdom quotes in abundance.

 I  shower endlessly,  the nectar filled drops in multitudes ,
transforming myself as flute that adorns lord krishna's hands .
I offer flowers with all ecstasy to the Sun god at dawn.


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