Friday, July 31, 2015

[31]  A prophet and an Epoch

The mean and dirty thoughts of the cruel people
are polluting the  charming beauty of nature.
The kind heart is getting wounded in the melee.
With  purity in  heart
it will extend its cup of hands for the sapphire,  at the dawn
and remove all the layers of the curtains .
and When things of creation  it gets  astonished
and wails when glanced at the humans.

The human who lives with patience
and wear the silence as a pear ornament
conversing with this world with all glances
and writes the celestial and ageless  universal poetry with musically blessed heart..
and  in the zones of life’s springs,  he will make the colourful flowers to bloom .
butterflies , arrive at in groups,  to take bath in the pollen .
in his words affectionate  bonds flow in streams.
and in the looks,  another world with so much of beauty and radiance
will usher in   in clear vision.
in the mind, the  celestial Ganges  start overflowing
for ever in his heart, streams of thoughts of building a great mansion  spring in.
string of ideas that rise high like great tides
and sprout like  civilized  icons of consciousness
and lay paths spreading moonshine all the way.
and windows of ensuing dawn start opening up
 and all the bashing days of hot sun shine in his life
will melt away like the dew drops ,in the rising rays of Sun
and in the affectionate soft swing sways of the supreme spirit
plunge slowly into the deep sleep.
He is a prophet to this whole world
and  an  epoch to this new dawn .

[31]     The cruel and mean thoughts of the human world
are  spoiling the textured beauty of nature..
The kindred heart is left with umpteen wounds.
With the well wishing mind and heart
it will extend its cup of hands for the this  early dawn 's saffron powder
and it will shatter down the shuttering membranes .
When it thinks of creation, it gets extremely excited
and plung into deep depths of sorrow ,when it comes across humanity as a whole.

The person who lives with needed patience will adore silence
 as the  priceless ornament.
He extends his visibility to converse cordially  with the world
and starts writing a universal volume of poetry
with the musical sense and apt  notation  
which will be  imperishable on sands of time,
and in the valleys of life's streams
he will be raising flowers similar to the colours of a rainbow .
then the butterflies will roam round these flowers in groups
just to take a shower bath in the pollen tubs . of these candid flowers.

And affection flows heavily in his words as afferent streams .
In his visionary treats another world sizzling with beauty
is observed .
in his mind , the galactic Ganges start flowing in full swing ,

Forever , in his benign heart ,the thoughts of constructing high mansions
with brightening pace in another world , find an added place.
 Like rising waves at high altitude will converge into vulnerable ideas.
and they sprout ahead like civilized rock sculptures
and spreads around like the moonlit paths .
Early dawn’s doors start to open widely

all his painful summer strips  in his life,  begin to melt like dew drops
in the warm embrace of sunshine and its avowed rays

all these grievances take refuge in the cool and calm temperament of the almighty
at this outset he is the best preacher for this modern world
and is a  leader for tomorrow’s dawn
[34]  This world is   not prepared to hear the purified , radiant, musical notes
looking at this civilization
and the  thought process
Even the trees are shedding their green leaves in Toto
birds are migrating
In the desert ,pedestrians  , who bear  the garlands of hot sunshine
are being glanced at.
and the song of life is grumbling like wings severed birds , that are unable to fly.
how many dreams are heaped up by me.
and how many sweet moments were spent in creating elegant pictures of fraternity bonds that are filled with  beauty and charm.
and friendship that showers golden   anoints  
decorates many auspicious strings, charmingly  on the earth space  .
and unveils many splendid heights in life’s columns.  
This confluence is the true connoisseur of these rhythmic dances                      
 and also the grand audience of resounding notations of lord Siva.

Like the season of spring ,how many beautiful attires are being  worn
and how many influential and enticing notes are being tuned with these octaves of music , are really unknown, uncounted  and un assessed too.
So blue flower that bloomed in the life’s expanse of sky
 is this the only and lonely  thing that is  friendship.
The hearts that are mesmerized  by this  love song is friendship only.

With the pious and charming smile  of the lord
this  friendship will shake hands with all surging love and affection
and sing the dawn song, with lots of dedication and devotion.
Which one stands a better chance in this materialistic world ,   than the
shining eyes and widened  shoulders of the real friendship ?

In the brains of humans who mingle together as friends
a ray of hope coupled with a unifying thought process must be generated .
And a garland of  delightful tears should stand back ,hanging at the finer edges of eyes.
When this dream comes true in letter and spirit?

When this wave will touch the shore?
The human who has a stronger willful heart equivalent  to Himalayas
and a  heart whose expanse is wider than the sky
Will he shiver with the fear  even if this world  it is lined up to go against him .
[36]           Trying again and  again,I  am not able to fling the strings of this life’s Veena
to bring out soft and delicate notes and am also not able to severe the  ignorant smoky clouds.
How many  fetters shackled me  in odd obstacles
How many accidental sounds puzzled me
and how many thunder storms of despair, distressed me  and made me powerless

and these endless minutes of despair made me such a n anathematized person
not hearing my daylong cries and not glancing at the dreamy pictures drawn beautifully by my smiling eyes
and not enjoying the sweetness of music rendered by my  blown out natural voice
The world neglected me in many ways.

Though I ploughed the land of life with so much devotion and dedication with intensive  plough share, the rain GOD, didn’t show any kindness in showering rain I am not able to sprinkle, the dreams of spring life.
and able to raise crops that yield fruits of gathered volition in delicate columns.
and am not able to decorate ,beautifully ,the castles of hope in charming fashion .
In the  darkness   rained  by fire of agony  , I am completely  burnt in smoulders .

my song which was rendering affectionately sweetest songs is now like a crippled traveler  and is
44]    creations’ animated  dance
Today  with no electrifying nerves existing
the human is shivering a lot ,glancing, even at a miniscule object.

He is shutting the doors of knowledge
without  tracing out, any of   the history’s foot prints .
The history of humans,  is inflicted with termites.

and the metallic   arms caught stains ,  and  are decayed .in shambles .

The construction of noble mansions is stopped
All the paths are darkened and    are over crowded.
except lamentations and imprecations
No pure and chaste  song of life,  is heard now  .
The static world , is exhibiting the grief stricken pictures
brushed with lines of sheer darkness  .

The picture of defeated person is mirroring the with fallen leaves of the  bare tree of autumn times.

oh! supreme lord! come down to earth  once , and bless us with all benedictions.

Whenever you tune notes on  the flute, all the blunt hearts start springing tender leaves .

All the stems of the hard trees  will become trees of paradise .

and all the valleys and  hills get thrilled in ecstasy and will make resounds of your flute  notes

The moon in the sky starts singing  swing notes
and all the flowers offer  fragrant , devotional anoints .

With delight and inspiration anew and afresh .fresh ideas start blooming in .
The scents of cordial flowers that blossomed in the garden of our mind
will  sing songs devotionally  at your lotus feet.
our golden hopes  will fling  on the life’s coral Veena

An elegant and vibrant  world  will manifest and creations’ animated  dance , will enchant and  stupefy.
[48]  Comfortably, in a life’s boat,  on time’s  columns  ------
Uncontrollable  thoughts
suffocate the humans, in many ways
and  also they can tarnish  the dazzling beauty
and  humanized  musical essence .
These are scribbling criminal history on creation’s folios .
This life’s boat like the one entangled cyclonic in storms
  may travel to some unknown darker  destiny.
The hands that are to deliver priceless and precious gems
are dropping down, duly severed  into  many a piece .
The human fastened in innocence and egotism.  is swimming helplessly in sea ,
A  small word of enquiry in the walks of his life’s streams
will give him a great relief and enthuses him  delightfully many ways
and   also delivers an endeavored   enthusiasm .

and the blinking lone star in dimming breadths of   azure sky,  in obscurity,
will rise number of hopes in the heart of the worshipper
and also will tune in many good notes and shed tears .

The life’s journey that continues with  rise and fall
may  discover and pave the way,  for  a dreamy world,  afresh and anew.

With some sensuous and finer  tonal quality, that flow   in high degrees
it will extend the its hands  constantly, cordially  welcoming the radiant   torches .

The nude tree in the autumn days, may bloom
in many fragrant flowers duly  spreading scents in ecstasy,  in ensuing spring ways
and will donate them to the nature  and may exhibit  many  limitless charms in tandem.
The mind,  duly filled with extreme silence ,
may wish anxiously,  to render some beautiful and melodious numbers in resonance.
W ithout any blink of the eye,  it may think high , to spread the whole universe
with some musically adorable  covering cloth, spreading it ,   wide and far  .
With which ideas of music,  and with some deep agony, it  may   feel fine,
 to fill up all the life’s vessels with  some pints of wine .
It may grieve hard,  to bail out this entire world from all insecurity
and take it to the peaceful zones
and may wish curiously to sail, comfortably, in a life’s boat,  on time’s  columns  .
[48]  Comfortably, in a life’s boat,  on time’s  columns  ------
Uncontrollable  thoughts
suffocate the humans, in many ways
and  also they can tarnish  the dazzling beauty
and  humanized  musical essence .
These are scribbling criminal history on creation’s folios .
This life’s boat like the one entangled cyclonic in storms
  may travel to some unknown darker  destiny.
The hands that are to deliver priceless and precious gems
are dropping down, duly severed  into  many a piece .
The human fastened in innocence and egotism.  is swimming helplessly in sea ,
A  small word of enquiry in the walks of his life’s streams
will give him a great relief and enthuses him  delightfully many ways
and   also delivers an endeavored   enthusiasm .

and the blinking lone star in dimming breadths of   azure sky,  in obscurity,
will rise number of hopes in the heart of the worshipper
and also will tune in many good notes and shed tears .

The life’s journey that continues with  rise and fall
may  discover and pave the way,  for  a dreamy world,  afresh and anew.

With some sensuous and finer  tonal quality, that flow   in high degrees
it will extend the its hands  constantly, cordially  welcoming the radiant   torches .

The nude tree in the autumn days, may bloom
in many fragrant flowers duly  spreading scents in ecstasy,  in ensuing spring ways
and will donate them to the nature  and may exhibit  many  limitless charms in tandem.
The mind,  duly filled with extreme silence ,
may wish anxiously,  to render some beautiful and melodious numbers in resonance.
W ithout any blink of the eye,  it may think high , to spread the whole universe
with some musically adorable  covering cloth, spreading it ,   wide and far  .
With which ideas of music,  and with some deep agony, it  may   feel fine,
 to fill up all the life’s vessels with  some pints of wine .
It may grieve hard,  to bail out this entire world from all insecurity
and take it to the peaceful zones
and may wish curiously to sail, comfortably, in a life’s boat,  on time’s  columns  .
[ 60

not visible,  despite time lapse
and not indulges in conversation
on how much we insist upon.

For you ,and your august presence
how long  should i undertake  penance
and how far must  i  have to  trek  on foot

I conversed with the burning hearts
that are flaming on despair.
On how many oceasions  i donated oceans  for containg the tears

The feet that  traversed for longer distances
 and were  thirsty on journeying quite a lot
got tired to larger extent

My feet that got wet on the fall of snow last night
have become beautiful lakes of  weaving waves.

My tone that  once the  sung  divine notes at the early dawn hours
has now become a sorrow filled cloud .

How much

Ar every point,  time always stood as an ultimate winner
and human is getting defeated totally in all counts.

FOR peace and for a wealth afresh and anew
and for arrival of a new  world that utters forever truth and truth alone.

undergoing a hard turmoil in accomplishment of the desired goal
in this restless and sleepless journey
many stalwarts laid down their noble lives.

[63] With splendid sheen of autumn’s moon shine
I ‘ll become  an inferno song , on Veena
and dance like an anxious  flame.
Like a   lightning creeper
I will invite with an incomparable  and thrillingly  delightful touch .
  People who are in deep sleep  to my lovely embrace,
I  ‘ ll carry them   cordially  to the blooming shores in dancing  tune
and sprout spreading  fragrance in  a quiet and immobile  stances
at the far end corners
and will become a string of sweet delicious  cloud
 that rains ecstasy of  multitude thoughts , gladdened with love.
The charming , radiant and incomparable ocean of expounding beauty
will  kiss the  crystal clear and azure  sky .
The moon who is fondly addicted to love songs, will get thrilled like a spring flute  in moon shine , and all the disks of constellation will be fully decorated with splendid sheen of autumn’s moon shine  and transform cleanly  as fascinating divinity.
The bloomed silent song will  spread over to tender  creepers  of  melodious tunes  .
The whole world in entirety will bloom ahead like a charming chrysanthemum
and will manifest happily, as lovely sportive and deeply entertaining  in amusement

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