Friday, July 31, 2015

28]   on this mundane sphere .
With the soft touch and embraces of the cool breezes,
the tender shoots of the branches which delightfully  stupefied
are shedding droplets of joy in the dawn hours
Oh! human! how are you able to sleep ?
Are not the flames from the blazing heart of the person
 stood before you,  hitting you high  , at all?
Are you not able to hear the sounds of the footprints of him
who is walking all the way to fulfill his ambition and is staunchly
 determined to scale the honourable heights at the top
The soul of the human  which is burning I the flames of misty  fire
for the sake of moonshine, will move ahead and resist any thing that comes across .
The same soul with a strong  determination
will prepare  itself ,  stretching its metallic  shoulders wide and far
to clash with some gales.

Rubbing the sweat on the fore head and sweeping the whole path
 with drops of blood , it continue to move ahead like ceaseless streams

The flowers that are to adorn the head
are  being  pitiably crushed  , in the harsh and cruel hands in heartless ways.

Painting the  churning  picture of the sorrowful
nudity of  the despair on the life’s canvas
He is singing the song,  sans an endless chorus .
That agonized person striving hard  in the last phase of breath
is waiting since long , and is burning  hot , with tears
and who is unable to provide for a  shelter for himself.
That endless seeker
is wearied
and tired.

He is the sage  with no edges existing , on this mundane sphere .

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