Friday, July 31, 2015

[29]oh! supreme lord!
when you have blessed me with this birth
and drawn my image
you might have decided how my character
and thought process should run ,
and propitiated me as  an astounding and very powerful entity.

That powerful force bloomed in many formats
and dances on immeasurable sounds of musical extravaganza in sheer ecstasy.

Waking up on storming wind
 Like a sea with all daredevil deeds and dangerous acts,
 it breaks down  heavily and none can stop its rage
 and no obstruction can sustain its   torrid impact.

That active and powerful force   continues to travel,
and restlessly, as a  stream.

But the life that proceeded towards entirety
could not reach the goal at all.

and didn't make confluence with octave of music.

not able to scale to new heights
and couldn't delve deeper into just  to touch your feet
and also didn't gain the fruitful result of the great journey .

Supreme lord!

to which birth  do you plan to  assign on me,
or how you cool down these hot tempers
or wish to free  from whichever curse!!!

In this unending turn abounds
when this journey  completes and comes to standstill ?


Life’s musical beats

When your song

stretches  long , like creeping  musical notes.

The earth is visualized, as if rubbed all over, with moonshine.

With loosening hair

the personified manifestation

dances with all delight  and  appears before  us in  visible form.

I‘ll draw the sweet nectar rained from your loving eyes

to my cup of hands.

Unable to bear the life’s delightful musical extravaganza         

these idle persons, who blame

 and start  carrying head load of allegations against others

are  ugly and deformed lots, to this  entire creation itself.

They also can’t welcome in any of their births.

the clean and pure humanness

that is painted on the blue sky,

and won’t be able to catch up the golden chariot.

and also can’t enjoy the springtime  beauty of life.

In my musical sway of life

every tone carries despair and sheer  pain.

and flings the hearts

In the crimson coloured veins

Love flows uninterruptedly, in endless streams.

I became sleepless entity, for  achieving the fructification of  my goals   .

and walked along with sun and moon.

With undeterred belief, I thought of drawing amazing pictures.

mixing varied colours .

 I preferred to draw the abstract pictures of my imagination,

which of course, will reflect  vitality  of your powerful and dignified  feelings on love.

and in the review of the beauty of creation

Will prove your transparence of graceful magnanimity.

I will fill up the life’s vessels bringing

the whiteness of stars into them.

Standing on the finer edges of dreams

and in the brightening splendor of dawn

I will make the notes of the flute audible.

and welcome the clean air waves

enjoying the life’s musical beats .

Telugu: Gottipati arasimhaswamy Trans/Eng: R. Purushothamarao

Swathi mutyalu (collection of poetry)

Very lyrical, very rhythemic, yet raising pertinent issues - a lovely translation, Mr. Rao. Thanks for sharing.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad, A P, India
Nov 12, 2012  

In the adoration of musical festivity

Your loving heart, which made me to float

 on dream waves to unknown shores,

has become so unkind and merciless, and is  now raining hardness from heart and stunned me altogether making me thunder struck.

It also turned me permanently,  as a captive.

The radiant notes that are travelling vibrantly in the streams of love,

 are now sounding odd tunes  in the pathos filled,  tearful songs,

and are anxiously hoping to unify with the clouds.

I ‘ll hereafter stand straight  as a  sorrowful  song

that resounds all over the universe.

Then, like a sweet song in my heart,

and like an unforgettable pain, pinching in mind,

I remain in the universal pastime, as a sheer dream.

I charmingly sound as a marvelous note

in the adoration of musical festivity of this astounding creation.

Telugu: Gottipati arasimhaswamy Trans/Eng; R.Purushothamarao

Swathi mutyalu— (collection of poetry

I loved this flowing, lyrical "musical festivity" of life very much. Your traslations beautifully present the "music" of the original. Thanks for sharing Mr. Rao.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad, A P, india

Intonates in extreme ecstasy

The heart which is delighted with sacrificing element

is not available in present scenario. .

A cuckoo of spring times

is not singing melodiously, from the mango grove.

The delicate and tender golden rays

are sliding down from the edges of azure sky.

The human, who lights up dawn in his heart

With all broadened devotion

welcomes truth, and feels its august presence ,  as a beautiful and precious, visionary treat .

The octave of music transmits his widened ideology

to the zone of constellation, on the edged wings of azure sky.

His eyes glitter like un dried wet flowers of the cold winter and mist filled moonshine.

Where are the human souls that search the truth

with all blazing fire of agony?

Where is the human, who forgetting all the sunrise and sunset continues to search and seek in the tireless journey ahead.

The naked life which has no hidden columns

will dance  at the radiance of dawn, in sheer ecstasy.

He performs all religious rites, with water of Ganges

and brightens high, like fire and unifies with beautiful and devotional  pastimes.

The tree which decorates with all tender leaves

will bloom flowers, arisen with notes of fragrant music.

and intonates in extreme ecstasy.

Telugu: Gottipati arasimhaswamy Trans/Eng; R.Purushothamarao

Swathi mutyalu— (collection of poetry)

Completely endorse Seshu's feedback. Thanks so much Mr. Rao for sharing translations of great Telugu poems.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad, A P, India
Nov 19, 2012  

Dear Seshugaru

I  am thrilled by your encouraging words.
Thank you for all the support

R Purushothamarao, Guntur,india
Nov 18, 2012  

Just beautiful. Wonderfully translated. Kudos, Puru garu. Mark of excellence written all over the lines. Superb rendition. Thanks for sharing and Regards.

Seshu Chamarty, Hyderabad
Nov 17, 2012  

[43] visualizes  all  the happy and delightful , mansions

 With passion driven agony

the human is losing the charms  of beautiful  life.

The life sans musical notes

looks like a stack of sand  mound.

Humans having lost   their   personalities

are drying up the wetness of the heart.

They are distancing themselves from the sweet and lofty experiences of supreme life and are getting weakened like T.B. patients

and also are shrinking a lot , like psychic  patients.

and are not  able to capture a place, in delicate evaluation of life’s gracious and momentous incidents.

The human who measures his pleasures in life squarely in monetary terms

is not able to catch up to the captivating charms of this  beautiful world.

In present days, cheap tactics are showing up, as magnificent doles

by breaking their backs in sheer fashionable trends.

There is lack of delightful hearts, who should enjoy the coquetries  painted beautifully, in elegant life

The cloud dipped and draped in despondency, is raining sorrowfulness .

Civilization, makes the human, to bloom like a fragrant flower

 that spreads  amazing scents, all over.

Sleeplessness wakes up with heavy sounds of torrent waves in life’s streams.

and architects  the life,  as a flute rendering, melodious tunes

and takes us, leading to the goal,  sans any thirst.

and fructifies wetness in life.

and prepares to achieve completeness.

and visualizes  all  the happy and delightful, mansions,  built up magnificently on the planet of earth.

Then the whole sky fits into the fist

and boundaries  erase all limitations henceforth .

The zodiacal circle will come down to the earth space in jubilation


Telugu: Gottipati arasimhaswamy Trans/Eng: R. Purushothamarao

Swathi mutyalu (collection of poetry

Padmaja madam and Vishnu priya
Thank you,  for your cordial comments

R Purushothamarao, Guntur,india
Nov 20, 2012  

Humans...drying up the wetness of heart- speaks volume about the lost quality-humanity.Regards Sir.

E.Vishnupriya, Bangalore
Nov 19, 2012  

Modern life and living has been excellently captured in this poem and superbly communicated by you through your impeccable translation, Mr. rao. Thanks for sharing.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad, A P, India
Nov 19, 2012  
Confining  oddly  in the wheel of fate and fortune

 It is all thirsty

and all the universe,  is like a desert

Human, who is kind enough, to offer hither to, a pinch of water ,

has distanced himself, to far off lands.

Not even single tree, which can protect us with all its wider shade,

is not visible  at all till the stretch of  far end corners.

Though the flowers lost their natural scents

and human got rid of the delicateness.

The world formats a doll, with no rhyme or rhythm.

The world sans all dreams

and languages,

moves about all around,  in our active presence.

Human, waits for something unknown and inexplicable.

Life is a volume of poetry, penned for world’s well being.

It will transform itself, as a prophecy, without any significance

and will be concealed firmly in the pages of  book of desires.

To fling strings on Veena, is to extol melodious notes,

in a finely tuned version only .

Human’s life is there to allow flows  in  streams of nectar tickles

filled to the brim with all powerful musical notes to spread onto, all over the earth  .

By birth a human is lover of freedom and liberty.

As long as he moves about, vigorously in this world

Human’s life becomes a hard worded, complex and long sentence

and turns out as a formless , hard rock.

yesterday the person who lectured on the platform,

 in a high tone ,like a thunderous sea

 today, departed well before the arrival of the bright sheen of the dawn.

The refiner who  anxiously wished to glance at the twilight columns of the beautiful modern times, in the deep depths of space and also desired to bloom, in  fragrant flowers of affectionate bonds in fraternity links , is broken into pieces,

Confining oddly,  in the wheel of fate and fortune

and saluted raising up,  both  his hands


Telugu: Gottipati Narasimhaswamy Trans/Eng; R.Purushothamarao

 Swathi Mutyalu— (Collection of poetry

[26]Farewell to the old age

 I can’t weigh the heaviness of the tears, you dropped down smilingly.

and also can’t measure the visible depths of the indistinct affection  of your benign eyes.

Whenever the lute in my hands starts sounding notes

The sky of my inner self will be covered by whitish clouds.

I ‘ll take innumerable plunges into the lakes of moistened tunes

with all  enchanting ecstasy.

I travel on waves of sapphire tinted dream desires

to an  unimaginable world.

I will anoint your extremely charming and handsome figure

in all delightfully amazing and startling gesticulations. With streams of gold

With pain afflicted heart

I sing imperishable devotional songs.

You after lighting up an inextinguishable lamp in me

which will not dampen, even while stormy winds blow

and will make me a liberated soul.

and add wings to my heart

and open doors for dawn

and bids farewell to the old age


Telugu: Gottipati arasimhaswamy Trans/Eng: R. Purushothamarao

Swathi mutyalu— (collection of poetry)

Thank you padmaja madam and Utiyodi sir for your encouraging words

R Purushothamarao, Guntur,india
Nov 06, 2012  

What an invocation for release from old age! Thanks for sharing this poem, Mr. Rao.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad, A P, India
Nov 05, 2012  

"Old age that no one can resist is lying upon you like a black devil!" (Iliad)  Always it is so, dear Sir.

UK Atiyodi, Kandangali,Payyanur, Kerala
Nov 05, 2012  


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