Friday, July 31, 2015

[37]  Life’s crystal clear whiteness in  brightens-----------

Nobody prefers or dares to walk on the fiery fire path.
if somebody did it , how can he be, my contemporary one ,at all ?
He will utmost can be the supreme lord.
He who prepares well to take bath in streams of fire
Will travel with deep desire to witness sheer truth.
 The path, even if is a  thorny oneand the  conditioned attachment ,
 is painted with blood ,he  continues to walk on ,
with much diligence, anxiety and stimulation.
and throws out the indolent upper garment.
He who walked in thick darkness, can only light up the sunrise
in his heart’s chamber.
Breaking down the obstructing unshackles,
he who makes dent with all forward steps
can illuminate ably the soul lamp.

The meditating tree that is tacked on, with so much dedication
will of sure, will yield fruits of liberation .

The sweet charming and pleasant gracefulness in speech
will unify in words and  musical beats .     
He who can’t liberate himself
from the pleasures derived from the delicate embraces of this materialistic world     
and from the affectionate bonds of realization of dreams  in entirety,
and also from the complicated and intricate  knots of entanglements derived from affectionate fondness  extended however , is not a sage at all.
and won’t be able to create quivers in words or songs .
and  also may not be able to visualize The last tender sprouts of the beautiful tree of creation.
and can’t interweave the octaves of music,  properly to universal creeper.

The dream flower of vital creation, can’t bloom,  just with the blood drops of meditated soul alone

The life’s crystal clear whiteness brightens, definitely from the hot and ferocious blazing sunrays.   

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