Friday, July 31, 2015

[21]Decoratively  in sapphire tint.
Whenever,  I visit you
I grow up as a new world, afresh.
All my organs take bath
in the streams of  extreme joy and delight
and the flower spread ,scents of fragrance  bloom afresh.
My eyes become sapphires
and my mind turns into a moonlight sheen
and travels deep  into  ocean of waving  ecstasy
and my musical note, resounds in boundless world
The cloth woven with meritorious and lovely song in musical notes
will be presented to you as a tiny  gift and is placed before your divine feet .
The motherly clouds with all kindness
shower rains, torrentially
and with all graceful stances
sprouts on the earth.
The roar of the hearts of  great people who worship this infinite creation
tingles aloud,  like a moistened notes  of Veda
and in the four corners,
beautiful and delightful dances, bloom ahead in gaiety
An invisible painter draws up inimitably,

 dream lined pictures of immense quality, decoratively  in sapphire tint.
Oh ! Human,   the great seeker,  
who searches deep into creation,
you are unable to return the magnum opus
of  the written collection of  your rich experiences.
and   you are even a beggar who stoutly refused to oblige.
A human who ploughs the monetary field, with both the hands
 and Can’t appreciate the beauty of the tender grass blade.
and  a hard heretic who can’t think big of the life’s solemn truth.
and who spreads ghastly and foul smell.
The humans who don’t allow the  time to sleep
make forward steps with sounding heart beats .
and make musical notes in nerve zones.

Those  genius people, who transform essence of experiences of life
into righteous path
and turn them  all  to  incredible pages of history .

They are sages who light up lamps of inextinguishable knowledge

The powerful and mighty giants who can hold the entire sky in the fist
are still moving around in large numbers in this world

and those magnificent  people  who donated their entire assets to this world
and stood here in this world as the indelible addresses, and are root causes for   the total welfare of the world.

The imprecations and cries of drought stricken lots
without whirling around in the empty sky space
Genius people who write commentary for this wonderful and astonishing creation afresh and anew for the love springing from blazing hearts
you paint a beautiful and colourful exciting picture
with  rays flashing  from your  hard working hands
[23]  In sheer ecstasy

The musician who can’t spread the radiance of the delightful  mystical chant
will not be able to touch the auspicious feet of the supreme lord!
He who dares  to swim the turbulent water streams
can only enjoy the sweetness of universal music.

The scents of fragrance of flowers can only be emitted
when all the petals,  bloom vibrantly,  to the fullest  extent
Anything that can’t attain its completeness in   entirety
won’t be able to enjoy the happiness to the pinnacle .
Reaching to its goal ,  is the fructification of the journey .
Love expects some sacrifice
and it paints similes to the indefinable  meaningfulness  to the word dedication
and continues to establish  flagships  of  victory .
Sprinkling the smiles, widely on earth
and   fondling the toddlers’ cheeks
it will travel delightfully in streams of ecstasy
Though I am tired to a lot,
I came here only, for your sake.

Daily  , Till the last moment with the  drops of blood , I will anoint this pious earth,  dedicatedly. and put in all efforts to fructify the tree of my aims and ambitions.
I ‘ll write my life’s pure and crystal clear whiteness  with all devotion, 
and early rays of sun rays,  caress me in high profile
and  the  waves  of spring , enjoy the embraces of fragrant flowers in sheer ecstasy

 [24]Great and final journey
Some moments in life   will torture me horribly
while some other moments, shower unlimited sweetness
and enhance the joy and delight in me to more heights

The ever smiling stances of your dancing tribe
Startle me in more ways

Even a dried grass blade, desires to live long  for more years to come
and waiting eagerly for the raining cloud , it burns itself in scorching flames
Then why do you crave for a death wish  and choose to die ?
Human! for getting revered  and worshipped in honors
You have to shell down all your assets and belongings.
That is the last step for the great and final journey
and it is  also  the final  stage for quenching all the thirst.

Like the rising Sun , it utters sheer truth, from the blood shedding heart
For the human who traversed  all through the islands of thick darkness
the charming beauty of the lovable  world becomes a reality .
The journey of this life which travels ,  shredding all the dark strips
will open up some divine light
or make sounds on some  well deserved trumpet
in the universal heart .
or open up doors or new vistas to a beautiful and charming abode
or fling the strings of  some enchanting musical notes of life.
For purity sake ,
all my organs take bath , in the ocean of your auspicious love.

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