Friday, July 31, 2015

In the adoration of musical festivity
Your loving heart, which made me to float
on dream waves to unknown shores,
has become so unkind and merciless, and is now raining hardness from heart and stunned me altogether making me thunder struck.
It also turned me permanently, as a captive.
The radiant notes that are travelling vibrantly in the streams of love,
are now sounding odd tunes in the pathos filled, tearful songs,
and are anxiously hoping to unify with the clouds.
I ‘ll hereafter stand straight as a sorrowful song
that resounds all over the universe.
Then, like a sweet song in my heart,
and like an unforgettable pain, pinching in mind,
I remain in the universal pastime, as a sheer dream.
I charmingly sound as a marvelous note

in the adoration of musical festivity of this astounding creation.

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