Friday, July 31, 2015

In desiccation...

 Like faded flower

expecting nothing from this shrunken world,

I decided firmly, that I should get what I all desired,taking refuge from you.

Knowing fully well that you shower rains of boons, without asking for them.

Not desiring anything from you

and thinking nothing thereafter, I  firmly continued my journey

Getting rid of all the materialistic things I possess I prefer strongly

to seek a refuge at your pious feet.

Making sun and moon as eye witnesses,

I travelled, like a bird crossing over the sea.

Now my path is through the sheer desert only

and a dark world without any trace of love is swaying around.

A thick forest where no sound is audible.

and a lone darkness sans any companion around

is completely void, without any  toning musical notes.

The life’s honey moon without any hunger and thirst

The mind stricken with grief striving hard

to look at the architect  of the entire creation, with a strong  zeal.

That is my wealth earned throughout my life time

This world which has no desire for a love born beautiful music

can’t accept the idea generated and anxious driven  marvelous painting,

neither enjoys nor welcomes it.

The world which is trembling with foul thoughts and stinking with the people, intoxicated in enticing spun  zones of  poison, is bidding farewell more heavily to the spring’s ecstasy

The pure flows of humanness that stream love and affection  will cease.

Unable to dance to the tunes of notes, flung on the strings of Veena

The universal life’s notes will get wearied. in desiccation.
and comes to standstill


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