Friday, July 31, 2015

[46]An  indelible signature.
 The stream of consciousness, that is flowing inthe mankind
is not giving healthy yields, from the  crops of civilization.
all the thoughts are travelling through shores of small delights
and are bidding farewell to purity and emollience by divorcing them.
The minds of the cruel and  idiotic  lot ,are putting forward steps
with ego -centric stances in a huff , and are also  polluting the time.
All the values binding the life ,are being filled with contemptuous poison .

All the voices of the age that bloom during spring times
are being twined to  halter noose .
The elegantly beautiful character is lacking every where.
and life has become a heavy load.
The human who is heavier in weight than life has turned as sage
and eventually the world now, needs HIS guidance.

and youth that  will march on the destined path,  is very well needed now.

All the paths that are spread far and wide with breaths of renouncing lot
have to resound,  with fragrant songs of flowers .

All the desires of mind's tunes , are to be painted
as beautiful forms on the time's screen .

The tender hopes of tiny tots should sing octaves  on green leaves.

At the time of the last phase in humans’ life,,   tears of joy should rain from their eyes. and ages where no sunsets are destined should be accessed.

All the arms that pump in slightly warmth blood, must oblate offerings to blazing Sun.
The buds of life must be bloomed .
The beautiful  and charming sculpture  made by the humans’ brain
 must also established,  in extreme delight and in high tone too.
In every house, life’s lamp kindled with love must glow endless
and the chant of divine  first note should sound from the deep depths of the heart.
As far as we dig out, many inexplicable wonders, start amazing the eyes.
and the elegance of creation, will scribble  an indelible signature on the plaque of the mind

When I start searching for the real meaning of life
my eyes glance at the sky and become wet with tears .
The azure sky embedded with shining stars, fling on notes of pathos.
The trees are shedding their leaves on the humanity’s veena.
The entire world transformed pitiably,  as a wailing orphan.

No human, who with a strong zeal , feels  excited  In rhythmic dance,
  is not found anywhere around us
and also no traveler is traced,  who journeys deep
towards the dusky shores of meadows .
 I as a despaired traveler wish strongly to trace back in to the childhood
and chuckle with joy and delight and propose to cheer myself in her teases .very well in all curious notes   .

and also hope to eat the lovely food in little quantities only to exult her.

even if my acts, and my deeds in tumult  , incite her to angry stances
my mother like a moon with all graceful looks kisses allover my body just like Yashoda does to lord KRISHNA. and feels excited in sheer ecstasy
and jumps into the dreamy world  glancing at all my despicable deeds.

With all affection springing in her heart in an out flowing pace
she takes the entire world into her close proximity
and wish to fructify all her love in all excitement.

and inundates the entire earth 

[50]   In the pleasure of inner delight.

The person who  gets off  the obstacles
will become a pilgrim
and who snapped all the bonds
comes out,  as a sage
and who can't loose anything
will remain, as sheer human.

The seeker who desires strongly, 
  with a fond pursuit , leads  the life to radiant shores.

When from the basic roots of creation
many a thought stream in and manifest into real forms,

singing small  songs  will  worship with folded hands.
and very well with tearful eyes.

Taking bath in purified ,holy  waters, and becoming a sinless person
and anointing the pious feet of supreme spirit
and takes all acts in creation, to cordial  embraces
 in ecstasy of dances rhythmically in beautiful footwork
and takes a trip into beautiful woods , in sheer pleasure.
and  amuses thoroughly on the sweetest songs composed in soft words and sway high  in delicate waves.
oh! supreme lord!
The world takes plunges                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in the  streams of moonlit sheen
originated from the flings of your flute.
 and the sky of life,
covered with full of love,  will rain  dew drops of delightful joy

The radiant eyes, that glanced all the beauties of creation
sprouted with all amiles and became wet with tears of joy.

my words weave wedding garlands  beautifully with stars as flowers.

With the madness derived from your enchanting and embracing love
will be drawing  charming pictures , of the sounding world
and thoroughly glance at the strings of hand some and heart throbbing  garlands and rain in,  tears of joy born out of unworldly delights.
and reviewing the endless sacred scriptures of the sea in moments of sorrow and I ultimately  stupefy in the pleasure of inner zones of  delight.

[52]  Experiencing unbearable agony-----------
Coming to this world , as sheer spectators
and enjoying the variety of creation to the soulful,
these persons are migrating to unknown destiny.
Unknowingly, uninterestingly, and indistinctly
are submerging all  their stream of thoughts in the sea of desires.
No single person who could  bring out  the secrets of creation
by opening the relevant  box ,and who showed the eminent
 gems of this world is available, in visible range.

Everybody is trekking on his own way and no body  is capable of explaining the beauty of creation and the magnum opus of this sacred book
with wider ramifications and with lovely  thoughts  and the stream of life
which flows uninterruptedly and inseparably and the roar of the sea of people who rushed in and rose like a flood and none could properly define all these odd situations and are trembling a lot.

They are slowly dropping down to earth in helpless situation
and are not able to show a  propitious and delightful path
to the entire world. and also not able to render any melodious song .

They are however opening their throat ,and not able to spread joyous cloth all over the space 
But oh!  lord! you stood as a befitting  answer to all these difficult questions .
  At the opportune time, when I dedicated myself to you
 and in the desire filled anxious state of agonized feeling
how many flames flared up in awful vow of devotional act
 the resounding extensive agonized burning tunes in the universal heart
may donate which of the promising tonal wealth !!!
got tired swimming restlessly ,in the laborious sea of hard work
but could not reach to the hopeful shores  and the moon is raining moonshine on me who am meditating in the caves of dark silence
and the flute of my life is experiencing unbearable agony.
Telugu: Gottipati arasimhaswamy Trans/Eng; R.Purushothamarao

Swathi mutyalu— (collection of poetry

[53]The clock will cease to click--------

I can't sing anymore,  after the death
and can’t  even glance at ,any thing during life time.
Humanism ,is pitiably  begging in the city's streets
and demonical frenzied laughter,  is roaring all around.

All the scenes  , on time's screen  , are changing swiftly
and the world is crossing the threshold barrier.
They are constructing pyramids in desert too
and cool pendals ,are being arranged  in the sky space all over.

On the floor ,where spring flutes start sprouting
crude  civilization is spreading the cloth of darkness wide and far.
The trait of soul sacrifice, has not yet given birth ,and  taken shapeof  and the notes that vitalize and astonishes
 have become mirages in the  humanrace.
The sweetest   thoughts in wet ,that could not be dried up in the mind of human that held time  tight in its fist, are taking bath in the lakes that are born in purified souls stricken with desires.

and are spreading divine cloth , to all the far end corners
and are emitting fragrant scents of humanism, in doubled fiesta.
and the radiant golden  rays of early dawn  are diffused to the entire world.

The person who can’t touch the fire at all, will never become the prophet of  scriptures and also will not at all can catch hold of the affection springing  vessel of honey , and can’t even fling the flute of moonshine

Where there is no reservoir,  how the longing thirst can be quenched ?
Where the address of  the human, who strives hard to enhance  springing consciousness  gets erased and where the roaring in the vocal chords is dropped down like bird with  snapped wings
in the forest of life , where the heart is turned as an alarmed cloud
and also where the longevity of life shortened as momentary breath
and in the storming dusty whirl wind , the affectionate clouds didn’t
shower rains of kindness ,and where the cordial hand shake is notably missing and where the humanism is not conspicuously absent, and  where all the precious and great values are evaporated and the existence of human becomes the comfortable  pillow for the death,
 please  be careful my friend! the clock will just cease to click.

[57]At any given point of  time.

The entire world is like a wornout and peeled off  painting.
The determined and noble  soul
is drawing up, tearful pictures .

The musical maestro
who stood on high altar at  the pinnacle  of his life
is not able to fling,  love tunes on  the universal veena.

In whatever direction, we glance at,  the distress 
 weaves  highly in flaming  waves

The golden edged sheen is fading out
and the infant mind is slanting a lot .

No direction is visible to right path .
The human who can cordially welcome the spring
 in smiling stances , is not at all traceable now ,   even at the far end corners.

This person who  is getting amused and excited   like fall of  snow
is  looking passionately at the possession of  his  meltable   assets .

He is smimming swiftly in , insincere and flattery sea
but not able to relish  comfortably the melliflous ageless and celestial  music
 flung in fine tunes,  on the universal veena .

In the beautiful garden of life,  flowers of fraternity  are not blooming at all.

And the peacock,   which  dances,  by  observing the  monsoon clouds  delightfully   as a sumptuous  feast  to the eyes  of spectator
is not  initially opening  its tail   at all.

In the indecisive flow  of thoughts
and in the fruitless and useless thought process
like a rudderless boat ,  all the humans are on eddying or whirling motion
quite away in the life streams
and being  unable to bear the unblooming flower like desires
 are burning down,  in smouldering  flames of despair .

And at the long last,  are becoming sacrificial twigs  to the  whims of the cruel fate

Wasting  all   the last moments innocently and foolishly , the humans who can't breath the peaceful dreams  are spreading themselves far and wide in this expansive world.

The moon shine which is like a brightened silver bowl
can't relish life languishing  in desert and also can't penchant the sweet scented fragrance derived   in  love embraces.

The universal song day by day is going out of tune .

and  this tearful music is not decipherable at any given point of  time.

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