Friday, July 31, 2015

31]  A prophet and an Epoch

The mean and dirty thoughts of the cruel people
are polluting the  charming beauty of nature.
The kind heart is getting wounded in the melee.
With  purity in  heart
it will extend its cup of hands for the sapphire,  at the dawn
and remove all the layers of the curtains .
and When things of creation  it gets  astonished
and wails when glanced at the humans.

The human who lives with patience
and wear the silence as a pear ornament
conversing with this world with all glances
and writes the celestial and ageless  universal poetry with musically blessed heart..
and  in the zones of life’s springs,  he will make the colourful flowers to bloom .
butterflies , arrive at in groups,  to take bath in the pollen .
in his words affectionate  bonds flow in streams.
and in the looks,  another world with so much of beauty and radiance
will usher in   in clear vision.
in the mind, the  celestial Ganges  start overflowing
for ever in his heart, streams of thoughts of building a great mansion  spring in.
string of ideas that rise high like great tides
and sprout like  civilized  icons of consciousness
and lay paths spreading moonshine all the way.
and windows of ensuing dawn start opening up
 and all the bashing days of hot sun shine in his life
will melt away like the dew drops ,in the rising rays of Sun
and in the affectionate soft swing sways of the supreme spirit
plunge slowly into the deep sleep.
He is a prophet to this whole world
and  an  epoch to this new dawn .

Sprints of ecstasy

 After having a graceful glance at you,

all my organs remain stranded and stupefied ,in stoic silence .

With all my visionary skills

I celebrate, the much avowed and beloved worshipping service

in musical extravaganza, and with all  noble festivity, to your ultimate satisfaction .

I offer obediently, the crystal white wave offering,

lighting myself with the flaming fire of my life's tuning notes

In every step, I put forward

your destined merriment in dancing stance

blooms ahead in moonshine festivity.

Like the blossoming flowers in the bower

petals of delightful songs,

spread scented fragrance in my mind

The spring bird, continuously sings dawn’s musical notes

in the orchards of my life.

I , who sway high in world of dreams

swim swiftly apace, like a swan , in your big sacred lake

With an awakened, thirst of knowledge

I feel evocatively amused in sprints of ecstasy and corporeality

Telugu: Gottipati arasimhaswamy Trans/Eng; R.Purushothamarao

The baby of love

The entire beauty of the whole creation,

is distinctly  glanced while  blooming to the full, on  your face .

I  observed the fast pace of  mellifluous music

whirling round,  in your  rendition of delightful tunes

duly dancing  on your gesturing smiles.

The looks that are sizzling from your smiling eyes

are tuning my heart and also  are opening the doors of remembrances

finely,  on  the early  hours of the  morning.

They are also opening up to new vistas to the radiant  and artistic

 extravaganza of the innovative and creative   write ups on love.

Humble and humane feelings, are being woken up, in all the sides

with all dexterity.

My eyes became wet, when some inexplicable and materialistic dream,

manifested before me,  in all surprise.

some streams of affection  are apace,  and flew  straight into my nerve zones

The baby of love, sounding all pep talk , is swinging  cozily

Telugu: Gottipati Narasimhaswamy Trans/Eng: R.Purushothamarao

from Swati Mutyalu [poetry volume

Oh what a lovely poem Mr. Rao! Your visualization of a smiling baby (of love) through this poem is amazing and breath-taking. Thanks for sharing.

Padmaja Iyengar, Secunderabad, A P, India
Oct 03, 2012  

Swathi mutyalu—[collection of poetry]
Eventful life’s gracious stakes


As I move closer to your proximity

all the fraternity bonds start severing out

with a  strong  disgust, I abandoned all

The thought of worshipping you in exclusive stint

makes me intoxicated.

All my concentration

on your beautiful face,

spreads sweet fragrance.

In my flower garden of thoughts

spring dances in childhood streams

with hop skip and jumps.

I will braid a garland of my tonal flowers

and decorate it around your neck, in sheer joy and delight.

Poetry which enhances the dreaming beauties of creation,

which showers delight well beyond the world

which pacifies even the stormy winds of cyclone

by spreading the cool and cover clothing all around.

The poetry, which dampens the flaming hearts and sprays nectar,

opening up the doors of heart with all indefinable and ineffable words,  showers greetings  with all best wishes.

I with my earnest soul, start to manifest poetry, truthfully and prosperously

and in all purity fill  my cup of hands, with bunch of tears,

bowing down my head completely in all humility

and pray for the last blessings for my eventful and life’s gracious stakes.


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