Friday, July 31, 2015

In infinite void

For you, who won't indulge in any conversation at all
and for your august presence, which is not normally available
How long should I undergo this hard penance
and to severely trek on for such longer distances.

I conversed with all the burning hearts that are flaming on despair.
On how many occasions I donated oceans, for containing the tears

The feet that had traversed to far off places
and were thirsty on journeying in lots
got tired to a larger extent by now.

My eyes that got wet on the fall of snow, last night
have become beautiful lakes of breezing waves.

My tone that once sung divine notes delightfully, in melodious tunes at the early hours of each and every dawn
has now transformed as a cloud, filled completely with pathos .

With direct experience, I want to open up beautiful bliss
and have burnt a lot for waiting in flames with thirst filled eyes.

At  every point,  time always stood as an ultimate winner
and human is getting defeated totally in all counts.

For attaining  peace and for acquiring wealth afresh and anew
and for arrival of a new age
in which the world  utters forever, truth and truth alone.

Many stalwarts laid down their noble lives.

For the continued maintenance and  In  protecting worshipping  act [yajna]
many people have become the sacrificial  twigs in the process
and were made targets for annihilation by the goddess of darkness.
and in the melee, many heroes also pitiably,  shed the blood.

The genius who sprinkled sparks of fire,
and the painters who manifested beautiful and charming portraits
drawn by them and singers who rendered mellifluous songs
without faltering any of the notes.

All  such people more in numbers who evinced interest
to draw incomparable blood lines on the life’s curtain
and who desired enthusiastically to take bath in the streams of musical notes.  At long last, departed from this world accepting tears as gifts
and bade farewell saluting one and all on the earth and took leave from this world.

These destined and solemn flowers do bloom very well tomorrow
on the grave yards and the notes of life,  resounds great,  in infinite void.


From thepassionate bonds of darkness ---

After the streaming eyes
cease to drop down tears
how much leisure is found
really to this restless life.
Memories of the sweet experiences
are flinging on  the early dawns
and the notes of life
are dancing on fine tunes.
The entire space of the world
is feeling ecstasy in sheer excitement
for the weaving waves of southern breezes .
The peace is spread on the earth space like a white loin cloth
and it will open doors for fresh and new thoughts .
The pure, soft and delicately tuned music
is spreading the facet of love affectionately till the far end corners .
The restless pilgrim
is not feeling surpassed for the enjoyment on outer layers
or for the attraction of the colourful rainbow
and also not at all dipped in the ocean of ecstasy.
He has not turned as a worshipper for any of the love glances
or worked as a composer for the sorrowful song.
Like a traveller filled with mute desire,
he concentrates more, on the last tender leaves of the life.
He also gets ready for immolating himself, for achieving his desired goals.
He desires strongly to skip away
from the spews of snake hoods that pour poison out of sheer selfishness.
and from the shackles of desires,
and finally from the passionate bonds of darknes

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